Sunday, October 7, 2012

Does Cheese Help Depression Or Any Illnesses?

When people start struggling with illness or depression they don’t often naturally turn to their diet. This can be a mistake as it should be the first place you look to make changes, especially if you’re eating a traditional American diet. The problem that lies with the traditional American diet is that it is often rich in processed foods, sugars and refined carbs. It can be devoid of the essential fats and nutrients that a person needs to stay healthy. If you’re looking to feel better and have a more stable mood then you should start by considering what you are eating every day.  You need whole, unprocessed foods to have balanced health. Cheese is one of these valuable foods and can help stabilize your mood.

Nutrients In Cheese

One of the contributing reasons that cheese can help is because of the nutrients in it. In this instance, when speaking of cheese we are speaking of cheese that is unprocessed, without a list of ingredients you cannot pronounce and by-products.  The best cheese for relieving mood disorders is also rich cheese that has not had its fat reduced.  This may come as a surprise to many people but often it is this buttery fat that will help your mood. This is because one of the essential requirements to mood boosting is in the fat, which can contain Omega 3 fatty acids.

So Is It Just The Fat?

This isn’t all you might get from cheeses like Mozzarella or Cheddar, along with the other varieties. They are also full of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D which can help to prevent or fight off disease. Additionally, top quality cheese has probiotic bacteria in it that has recently been shown in studies to help prevent the onset of diabetes. Probiotic bacteria can also aid in your digestion and boost your immune system.

There are even more nutrients you can get from Cheddar cheese and the others, all of which will help you feel better. The truth is that a deficiency in B12 can cause deterioration of a person’s mental capacity which can result in memory loss, depression, psychotic behavior and even paranoia. You can find a good source of this nutrient in cheeses, particularly Edam, Cheddar cheese and Parmesan. Another nutrient that is important to keeping a stable mood is zinc. The good news is this can also be found in Cheddar cheese, along with beef, pumpkin seeds, beans and yogurt.

While it’s important to enjoy your cheese regularly you should also remember to not overindulge.  You won’t feel better by sitting and eating an entire pound in one night. Your health will be better improved if you enjoy daily moderate doses- and what a delicious prescription!

1 comment:

  1. I heard many years ago that real cheddar cheese was good for depression. It has worked for me, that is certain.


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